Peer Review Process

1. Sending the article to Editor-in-chief by an email (

2. First round of review in three days. If the article follows journal template it will be sent to the editorial board. If not, it will be sent back to the corresponding author.

3. Upon compliance with the journal topics, the article will be sent to an associate editor. The board can reject the paper in this stage due to the lack of scientific rigor or poor presentation.

4. Reviewers examination and results of review.

5. Sending reviewers comments to the corresponding author and asking for revisions to be sent to the editor-in-chief in due time.

6. The revised article is sent back to the reviewers by the editor-in-chief.

7. If the revisions are done accurately, the reviewers will send the results to the editor-in-chief. ‘

8. Editor-in-chief announces the acceptance of the article.

9. The accepted article will be sent for editing. After editing, the corresponding author should confirm the final version of the article before publication.