Haditha region hydrological aspects extraction using remote sensing and GIS techniques

Document Type : Research Article


1 Directorate of Space and Communications, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Directorate of Environment and Water, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq


In this study, advanced means in remote sensing techniques and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) computed from modern satellite images of the studied area were used as raw data by a program for measuring spatial and geographical analysis.
    Results of morphometric analyses are based on field data analysis and manually drawn watershed boundaries. Results from GIS depend on how accurate the DEM data utilized it after eliminating all no-data voids and filling in sink holes in the raw DEM data for the study area. It was discovered that SRTM-DEM with a reasonable resolution of 30 meters per grid cell provided accurate delineation for the surrounding topographic area of Hadetha Dam Lake in morphometric analysis.
    The hydrogeological study indicated that there are five underground basins: the modern sedimentation basin, the Injana basin, the Fattah basin, the Euphrates basin and the Umm Al-Raduma basin. There are also basins within the water formation in Injana and the Euphrates. The basin area and circumference were measured using the GIS Arc View geographic information system. The area and the circumference of the basin were 166 Km2 and 244 Km, respectively. The soil permeability ratio of the main basin is high and rainfall is low. Therefore, the area is characterized by the presence of large and karst caves and cracks spread, thus creating a good area for the process of filtering rainwater into the ground to feed the layers that have the ability to collect water, and forming layers that contain groundwater.


Main Subjects

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