Keywords = upward continuation
Interpretation of potential field anomalies to investigate geological structures and oilfield exploration: A local study in the south Semnan

Volume 11, Issue 3, December 2017, Pages 90-104

Yasin Nasuti; Brat Ali Feizabadi; Seyed mojtaba Tajvar; Aziz Nasuti

Imaging OjatAbad iron ore using magnetic data

Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2016, Pages 61-72

Mohamad Rezaie; Ali Moradzadeh; Hamid Aghajani; Ali Nejati

Estimation of the optimum upward continuation height for chromite prospecting at Hormozgan province

Volume 8, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 1-9

amin Roshandel; ali Nejati Kalate